Almond milk causes the death of millions of bees
Almond milk causes the death of millions of bees
For some time now, healthier and more sustainable food alternatives have been in vogue. This is why the consumption of almond milk has intensified. In the United States alone, the habit of consuming almond milk has increased by 250% in the last 5 years.
Almond milk is a big business and also an ecological problem.
Almond milk contains fewer calories, as well as zinc, iron and fiber, among other minerals. It is very nutritious, easy to digest and is an alternative to traditional cow's milk. It is recommended in different diets and medical treatments.
However, behind a business that handles only in the United States 1,200 million dollars a year, hides a great ecological problem. Bees are being affected and thousands of them are dying due to stress in the pollination of almond trees.
Bees are very necessary insects for life on our planet and are irreplaceable natural pollinators. However, they are also the most affected as a consequence of human actions. Climate change, the use of pesticides and the production of almond milk are the main causes of mortality of these insects.
Thousands of bees die for the almond trees.
Although it is called almond milk, it is not a milk. Rather, it is a vegetable drink. It is not produced by animals. It is extracted from the almond tree (Prunus Dulcis), which is grown in many parts of the world. According to a report in The Guardian newspaper, 80% of the world's almond milk production comes from California. This is where the largest cultivation and production center on the planet is located.
Bees are responsible for the pollination of almond trees and in this case, they are an inseparable part of the production chain. Due to the stress and fatigue caused by so much work, they are dying in their thousands. In the winter of 2020, 50 billion bees died.
According to the newspaper report, most of the deaths are due to the use of pesticides. In the case of bees that pollinate almond trees, nature indicates that the insects should rest in the winter. However, farmers never consider this phase of the bees' life. Thus, the biorhythm of the insects is altered or interrupted, causing the mortality of many of them.
Almond milk producers accused of unethical practices
Almond plantation owners are also using pesticides that cause casualties in bee colonies. They apply phytosanitary products based on glyphosate that weaken the immune system of the insects, leading in many cases to their death. In addition, the relentless work to pollinate thousands of almond trees leads to many more deaths.
Campaigns are being carried out to reverse this unethical situation of producers. The name of the campaign is Honey Bee Best Management Practices. The aim is to make almond plantations a place where small pollinators are cared for.
However, this fight has just begun and for the moment it is only an intention. We will have to wait for the facts to happen. The situation is complex and something will have to happen for it to change drastically so that thousands and thousands of bees do not continue to die.
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