Spiderman No Way Home Trailer Leaked?

 There was already speculation about the Spider-Man No Way Home trailer, and some sources mentioned that the trailer would be shown privately and then sent to studios around the world for dubbing.

Spiderman No Way Home Trailer Leaked?

And many were already waiting for the leak, which has come very early, and a video showing the trailer still in editing, has been circulating on networks, to become a trend on twitter.

Some things that are revealed are the appearance of a grenade of the green goblin, Alfred Molina's octopus saying "Hello Peter", among other things.

So far Sony has not commented on the matter, and some people even label the supposed trailer as a fake.

We will have to keep waiting to know more about this movie that so many fans are waiting for.


if you want to follow this more closely you can follow the twitter trend #SpidermanNowayHome 

Be warned though, there is a lot of chaos right now on the internet. 


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