Dogs can detect lies according to study

 Dogs can detect lies according to study

Are you one of those who talk to your dog? Almost everyone does. Many people feel that their dogs understand them very well. That they probably sense their emotions. Let me tell you, that's not far from the truth. At least, in one specific respect. Dogs can detect lies. Says who? Science.

Dogs can detect lies according to study


This experiment was previously practiced also on small children and apes. And the results generated the surprise of the researchers. The canines disobeyed the instructions of a trusted person. But only in one case: when they knew they were being lied to or given incorrect information.

The study analyzed the behavior of some 260 dogs of different breeds. The process consisted of two stages. First, they would enter into a trusting relationship with a person. They would find the food hidden in one of the two bowls they had access to, which remained covered.

Then it was on to the second stage of the experiment published in The Royal Society. Another person moved the food from the bowls. Meanwhile, the dogs' trusted person either witnessed it or was absent for a moment. The food had been moved and they had erroneous instructions from the person they trusted. But the dogs disobeyed the directions that the food was in an empty bowl.

As children

Most of the dogs chose the bowl with food. They disobeyed the directions of the people they trusted. However, several dogs did the opposite. They followed the directions of the person they trusted.

"We thought the dogs would behave like children under 5 years old. Or like apes," said Dr. Ludwig Huber. He works at the University of Vienna and led the study. He also suggested that dogs may be able to understand when someone is deceiving them. That is, dogs can detect lies.

Not all breeds were able to detect lying or incorrect information. Terrier dogs blindly trusted the recommendations of those they trusted. This may indicate a pattern, which makes certain breeds less intuitive.


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